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I think that the most important aspect of a rogue-lite type game has been achieved with this jam submission – a ‘just-one-more-try’ driving game loop as you try to figure out the deceptively simple mechanics and get a dopamine hit with each lucky power offering that alters your gameplay rhythm. Nicely done!


This is a very compelling game until the content ran out. It took me a minute to figure out what caused death, and like others have said, more enemy variety would be the next thing to work on (and Shogun Showdown has lots of ideas for this).

But I really enjoyed it! I played to the end. The strategy involved in making blocks land in the best possible placement is interesting! (I would have loved some push back and swap positions attacks to play with)


Neat little game, I maxxed all the upgrades. I think more enemies with different attacks, such as ranged attacks could be interesting.


Fun game with solid mechanics. I felt pretty chuffed with myself when I figured out the monsters movements, and I enjoyed the power ups.


Fun game! I want more levels!


Addicting man, good job!


I really love the idea! Great job!